Friday, October 5, 2007

Reflections on Past Weeks

As we are ending week four I started looking back on what has happened since I started this class. For one thing, my students are getting their e-mail accounts.
2, I have an idea for a Wiki,
3, I have decided that I really need a classroom blog. My parents want homework on line and our web site is time consuming.
4, My Power Point lesson is over and I'm so ready to move on.
5, Our math study group is trying out Google Docs.
6, And I love it all.


MissRoss said...

I think it is great that you have learned so much from this class and also found ways to incorporate it into your classroom! That is what makes PD worthwhile, being able to apply what you have learned! I too have gained some great knowledge and am going to committ to bringing it to the classroom.

Daniel Martinez said...

Wow that is so good you are willing to used different things in your classroom. In my school not a lot of teachers are willing to try new things with their students. As educators we must keep up with the new things that they have to offer to make teaching interesting and fun.